Friday, October 16, 2009

the bind function

John Resig has page Learning Advanced JavaScript to explain how the following script works.

// The .bind method from Prototype.js Function.prototype.bind = function(){ var fn = this, args =, object = args.shift(); return function(){ return fn.apply(object, args.concat(; }; };

His explanation is wonderful. And this piece of code is simple, powerful. But it maybe still hard for anyone to understand without any explanation. So I refactored it as follow, and add one use case.

Function.prototype.bind = function() { var function_to_be_bound = this; var args =; var context_object = args.shift(); var binding_parameters = args; return function() { var invoking_parameters =; var combined_parameters = binding_parameters.concat(invoking_parameters); var result_from_function_run_in_new_context = function_to_be_bound.apply(context_object, combined_parameters); return result_from_function_run_in_new_context; }; } function reply_greeting(your_name) { //"this" is the context object alert("my name is " + + ", Nice to meet you, " + your_name); } var fred = { name: "fred" }; var reply_greeting_of_fred_to_you = reply_greeting.bind(fred); var reply_greeting_of_fred_to_john = reply_greeting.bind(fred, "john"); reply_greeting_of_fred_to_you("jeff"); //expect: "my name is fred, Nice to meet you, jeff" reply_greeting_of_fred_to_john(); //expect: "my name is fred, Nice to meet you, john"

Another article may help you to understand is Functional Javascript

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